Press Release Statement

Statement regarding administration’s response to anonymous op-ed

The Executive Committee of the LMU Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (LMU-AAUP) issues the following statement:

The LMU chapter of the AAUP is concerned about the administration’s public response to the anonymous article published by The Loyolan. The administration’s response (which is unsigned yet claims to speak for “LMU” as a whole) reads as a public attack on our own students, rather than as a contribution to discernment for the sake of the whole university community regarding our financial situation. By offering no new documentation or evidence, this response exacerbates the deep distrust felt by many in our university community. The only adequate response is the fullest possible budget transparency, which has been demanded both by our Faculty Senate and by the LMU-AAUP, in an open letter adopted by its membership in September, signed by nearly 100 members of the faculty.

—The Executive Committee of the LMU-AAUP